FIB-SEM Helios 5 UC, FEI-Thermo Fisher Scientific

SEM/FIB Helios 5 UC

Dual beam FIB-SEM system with:

  • electron source with monochromator technology
  • energy spread of 0.2 eV for beam currents up to 100 pA
  • SEM resolution 0.6 nm at 15 kV (landing energy 20 eV – 30 keV), 0.7 nm at 1 kV
  • retractable STEM detector
  • ion beam (Ga++) 1 pA – 100 nA, 500 V – 30 kV, resolution 4.0 nm at 30 kV
  • Pt gas injection system
  • fully software integrated micro manipulator
  • piezo XY stage with XY repeatability of 1 µm

In operation since October 2023



DynaCool PPMS, Quantum Design

PPMS DynaCool

Physical Properties Measurement System, DynaCool, Quantum Design. Base system temperature range 2 to 400 K, electrical measurements (resistance, AC-resistance, I-V characteristics), magnetic measurements (VSM, AC-susceptibility), thermal measurements (heat capacity), RF-insert.

In operation since July 2022



ATC Orion Series Ion Milling System, AJA International

ATC Orion Milling System

The ATC-Orion is a ion-milling system with a gridded filament ion source capable of 250 mA maximum beam current. Beam voltage 100 – 1200V, 200 mA beam current @1000V. Water cooled tilting and rotating substrate holder for up to four inch diameter substrates. Continuous motorized rotation (0 – 20 rpm), ferro-fluidic rotary seal allows +/- 90° tilting.

In operation since July 2023



PPMS EverCool II, Quantum Design

PPMS EverCool II

Magnetic, electrical, thermal, mechanical, optical measurements at low temperatures. Closed helium cycle. Material characterization at 1.9 – 400 K, superconductive 9 T magnet. Can be fitted  with measurement options for magnetic moment, susceptibility, resistivity, Hall coefficient, thermal capacity, thermal expansion and more.

In operation since November 2022



ATC-1800-HY UHV Multi-Technique Deposition System, AJA International

The ATC-1800-HY is a deposition system with in-situ crucible exchange system. This enables crucible exchange without breaking vacuum. The system comes with six 15 cc crucibles with automated indexing. E-beam source is a 6 kW High Voltage Supply with automated sweep control, no need for manually aiming the beam correctly in the crucible. Two magnetron sputtering sources using 3 inch targets. The sputtering sources have two generators, 1500 W DC and 600 W RF generator. Direct sputtering, working distance < 10 cm. Kaufman KDC 40/75 Ion Sources for milling / pre-cleaning. Water-cooled, rotating and tilting substrate holder for substrates up to 4 inch dia. Three gas-lines for Ar, O2 and N2. Multi-Wavelength Ellipsometer System, spectral range 405 – 950 nm. Possibility to do oxidation inside the load-lock.

In operation since July 2023



VASE Ellipsometer, J.A. Wollam

VASE Ellipsometer, J.A. Wollam

VASE Ellipsometer-Spectrometer measures the optical constants and thickness of films, multilayers or bulk materials, as well as the reflection/transmission as a function of angle of incidence (12° to 90°), polarization, and wavelength in the UV-IR range: 240 nm – 2500 nm, 4 um option available. Beam focusing option available for testing small structures.

In operation since May 2022



Plasma etcher PlasmaPro 100 Cobra 300 ICP, Oxford Instruments

PlasmaPro100 - Cobra 300

The Oxford PlasmaPro 100 Cobra 300 is a load locked plasma etcher with a cryo stage. Maximum wafer size is 200 mm. Etch rate is > 8 um/min with a 3 kW ICP RF generator. Selectivity for photoresist is > 120 (general Bosch process).

In operation since April 2022



Photolithography tool MaskLess Aligner MLA 150, Heidelberg Instruments

Heidelberg MLA 150

The MLA 150 (MaskLess Aligner) Direct Laser Writer is capable of photolithography of details down to 0.6 um (min. feature size). It uses a UV diode laser illumination of 375 nm for broadband and i-line photoresists, such as SU-8, AZ-nLOF, TOK IP and others. The option of Back Side Alignment (BSA) is included, thus adding the possibility of exposing backside of substrate. Maximum substrate size is 6 x 6 inches, minimum size is 5 x 5 mm (due to auto focus mechanism). Maximum write area is 150 x 150 mm, and substrate thickness can be between 0.1 to 12 mm.

In operation since June 2021



EDS detector AZtec, Oxford Instruments

EDS detector AZtec

Detector for Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) is added to the Albanova Nanolab FIB/SEM, FEI Nova 200. This opens the possibility of material analysis using the scanning electron beam of the SEM as probe. It is possible to do “live” material analysis during scanning of SEM images, as well as color mapping of different materials as an overlay on the SEM image. Quantitative analysis of element content is also possible.

In operation since December 2019



Stylus Profilometer P – 7, KLA Tencor

Stylus Profilometer P-7

Stylus Profilometer P – 7. The system supports 2D and 3D measurements of step heights, roughness, bow, and stress for scans up to 150mm without stitching. Stylus radius 2 µm.

In operation since Spring 2020